Paper 2004 Object Oriented Programming Question 3 (a) The Iterator pattern allows the client to control the traversal of a sequence of values. A typical usage might be: while(seq.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println(s.current());; } It contrasts with things like hard-coding a traversal internally or the Visitor pattern. The latter isn't too bad, but gives us all-or-nothing control of the traveral (unless we use exceptions, of course). (b) class ArraySeq implements Seq { private int cur = 0; private Object[] array; public ArraySeq(Object[] array) { this.array = array; } public boolean hasCurrent() { return cur < array.length; } public Object current() { if(hasCurrent()) return array[cur]; else throw new Error(); } public void next() { if(hasCurrent()) ++cur; else throw new Error(); } } (c) class CatenateSeq implements Seq { private Seq s1, s2; public CatenateSeq(Seq s1, Seq s2) { this.s1 = s1; this.s2 = s2; } public boolean hasCurrent() { return s1.hasCurrent() || s2.hasCurrent(); } public Object current() { if(s1.hasCurrent()) return s1.current(); else return s2.current(); } public void next() { if(s1.hasCurrent()); else; } } (d) class FilterSeq implements Seq { private boolean currentOk = false; private Filter f; private Seq s; public FilterSeq(Filter f, Seq s) { this.f = f; this.s = s; } public boolean hasCurrent() { if(currentOk) return true; // prevents rechecking f.pass on the current element // note that f.pass may modify f, so f.pass might not return the same thing // twice in a row! the current element is still ok if it was before, though while(s.hasCurrent()) { if(f.pass(s.current())) { currentOk = true; return true; } else; } return false; } public Object current() { if(hasCurrent()) return s.current(); else throw new Error(); } public void next() {; currentOk = false; } } (e) import java.util.*; class Unique implements Seq { private FilterSeq fs; public Unique(final Seq s) { final Filter f = new Filter() { private Set seen = new HashSet(); public boolean pass(Object o) { if(seen.contains(o)) return false; seen.add(o); return true; } }; fs = new FilterSeq(f, s); } public boolean hasCurrent() { return fs.hasCurrent(); } public Object current() { return fs.current(); } public void next() {; } } (f) i) import java.util.*; class BreadthFirst implements Seq { private LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); public BreadthFirst(Node startNode) { queue.add(startNode); } public boolean hasCurrent() { return !queue.isEmpty(); } public Object current() { return queue.getFirst(); } public void next() { Node head = queue.removeFirst(); for(String a: head.arcs()) queue.add(head.nextNode(a)); } } ii) Seq s = new Unique(new BreadthFirst(startNode)); while(s.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println(s.current());; } It would fail if the graph were cyclic, because we'd go back to nodes we'd already visited and the queue would never empty. Example: A <---> B Queue: A next() Queue: B next() Queue: A etc. Question 5 (a) Model-View: Separate the representation of the model from how it is rendered. That way, we can have more than one view of it, each of which may be different. Model-View-Controller: The Controller allows the model to be changed. One way it can be implemented is as a subclass of a view. Listener interfaces are used to allow a Model to notify its Views when it has changed without being aware that what it's notifying are Views. Or to put it another way, listeners break the dependency of Model on View. Without them, there would be a cyclic dependency, which would defeat the whole object of the pattern. (b) i) class View extends Visible implements ModelListener { final protected int SQUARE_SIZE = 32; protected Model model; public View(Model model) { this.model = model; } public void draw(Screen s) { for(int i=0; i<10; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<10; ++j) { s.fillSquare(j*SQUARE_SIZE, i*SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE); Model.Contents c = model.get_square(i,j); if(c != Model.Contents.EMPTY) { s.fillCircle(c == RED, j*SQUARE_SIZE, i*SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE); } } } } public void model_changed() { redraw(); } } ii) interface ModelListener { void model_changed(); } class Model { public enum Contents { EMPTY, BLUE, RED } private Contents[][] squares = new Contents[10][10]; private ModelListener listener = null; private boolean legal_move(int i1, int j1, int i2, int j2) { if(squares[i1][j1] == EMPTY) return false; if(squares[i2][j2] != EMPTY) return false; if(Math.abs(i2-i1) <= 1 && Math.abs(j2-j1) <= 1) return true; // move to an adjacent square if((Math.abs(i2-i1) == 2 && (Math.abs(j2-j1) == 0 || Math.abs(j2-j1) == 2)) || (Math.abs(j2-j1) == 2 && (Math.abs(i2-i1) == 0 || Math.abs(i2-i1) == 2))) { int mi = (i1+i2)/2, mj = (j1+j2)/2; if(squares[mi][mj] != EMPTY) return true; // jump over a piece } return false; } public Model { for(int i=0; i<10; ++i) for(int j=0; j<10; ++j) if(i+j <= 4) squares[i][j] = RED; else if(i+j >= 14) squares[i][j] = BLUE; else squares[i][j] = EMPTY; } public void add_model_listener(ModelListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } public Contents get_square(int i, int j) { return squares[i][j]; } public make_move(int i1, int j1, int i2, int j2) { // Move piece from (i1,j1) to (i2,j2) if it's a legal move if(legal_move(i1, j1, i2, j2)) { squares[i2][j2] = squares[i1][j1]; squares[i1][j1] = EMPTY; if(listener != null) listener.model_changed(); } } } ... Model model = new Model(); View view = new View(model); model.add_model_listener(view); (c) Clicking on a piece selects it. Clicking on an empty square with a piece selected moves it there. Clicking on an empty square without a piece selected does nothing. Clicking on another piece with a piece selected selects that instead. class Controller extends View { // Datatype invariant: selI == -1 -> selJ == -1 private int selI = -1, selJ = -1; public void mousePress(int x, int y) { int i = x/SQUARE_SIZE, j = y/SQUARE_SIZE; if(i < 0 || i > 9) return; if(j < 0 || j > 9) return; Model.Contents c = model.get_square(i,j); if(c != Model.Contents.EMPTY) { selI = i; selJ = j; } else if(selI != -1) { model.make_move(selI, selJ, i, j); selI = -1; selJ = -1; } } } (d) If we already have a listener, we make a composite containing it and the new listener. class Model { public void add_model_listener(ModelListener listener) { if(this.listener != null) listener = new ModelListenerComposite(this.listener, listener); } } Composite listeners simply forward model_changed() events to their component listeners. class ModelListenerComposite implements ModelListener { private ModelListener a, b; public ModelListenerComposite(ModelListener a, ModelListener b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } public void model_changed() { a.model_changed(); b.model_changed(); } } Question 6 (a) o1 == o2 checks whether o1 and o2 are identical (i.e. the same object) o1.equals(o2) checks whether o1 and o2 are equivalent (Note that if o1 and o2 were built-in types rather than reference types, i.e. both had type int, for example, then comparing them with o1 == o2 would be the way forward, since o1.equals(o2) would be a syntax error...) In terms of language mechanics, == is an operator and part of the language, whereas equals is a method inherited from Object. The default implementation of equals in Object does the same as ==, but we can override it in subclasses. Example showing the distinction: String s1 = "Blah"; String s2 = s1; String s3 = "Blah"; System.out.println(s1 == s2 ? "Equal" : "Not Equal"); // outputs "Equal" System.out.println(s1 == s3 ? "Equal" : "Not Equal"); // outputs "Not Equal" System.out.println(s1.equals(s2) ? "Equal" : "Not Equal"); // outputs "Equal" System.out.println(s1.equals(s3) ? "Equal" : "Not Equal"); // outputs "Equal" (b) i) class SetImp implements Set { final private Object[] elts; private SetImp(final Object[] oldElts, final Object x) { int len = oldElts.length; elts = new Object[len+1]; for(int i=0; i { Set add(T x); Iterator elements(); boolean member(T x); } interface Iterator { boolean hasNext(); T next(); } public class MainSensorVoter { ... Sensor MainReactorTempSensor = ... int CoolingOutletTemp = 123; // note: we can take advantage of auto-boxing etc. when this is used Sensor CoolingOutletTempSensor = ... Sensor CoolingInletTempSensor = ... ... Set criticalSensors = new SetImp(); public boolean isSafe() { ... Iterator sensors = ... while(...) { ... if( ++safeCount; } ... } public void init() { criticalSensors = new SetImp(); criticalSensors = criticalSensors.add(MainReactorTempSensor); // as before criticialSensors = criticalSensors.add(CoolingOutletTemp); // compile-time error ... } }